Rise 2 It Productions is a motivational speaking company in Fresno. Jonathan Hernandez and Nathan Saari started the company together shortly after meeting each other at Reedley College. Now they are recognized in the central valley for their motivational speeches at schools, colleges, and other events.
“We designed a game plan for the first year we came out. We wanted people to know who we were. The second year, in 2017, we want the whole valley to know who we are, and then after that, we want to take it outside of the valley and reach as many people as possible,” Hernandez says.
Co-founder Saari has a motto he lives by: “Just the thought inside that if I was going to be here, and I’ve heard Jon say it, we’re here one time,” Saari says. “I was going to want to maximize that opportunity as much as possible. So whatever it takes, that’s what I want to do.”
Before every event, they mentally prepare themselves and always arrive early. Their plan is to engage and connect with the students. They differentiate themselves from other guest speakers by not just showing up for only thirty minutes to put on a show. They look forward to getting their message out there and connecting with their audience.
RISE 2 IT educational consultant Leena Mendoza comes from the small town of Woodlake. She recently had the opportunity to go back to her old high school and engage with students at Woodlake High.
“It’s not the cap and gown or becoming the CEO,” Mendoza says. “It’s also coming back to bring your family up that way as well and then in truly living by that character and joining your community and helping out our students. I think it’s important,” Mendoza says.
RISE 2 IT Productions is working on a new project for Cinco De Mayo in Delano, Calif.
“Remember, if you can rise through it, you can rise to it,” Hernandez says.