By: Monet Schlotterbeck
Immerse.in is bringing the latest virtual reality headsets for anyone to try.
Virtual reality. No longer technology that you hear about in your favorite science-fiction novel. It is a phenomenon that is steadily creeping into many consumers’ homes. Through three-dimensional simulated worlds, a person may elect to immerse themselves in limitless possibilities.
Virtual Reality uses a headset that obstructs the views around you allowing you to be completely immersed in a simulated environment. VR headsets such as HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift use high powered computers. Then there are more standalone wireless options like mobile VR or Google Cardboard.
When you think of a virtual reality oasis you may not immediately think of Fresno, Calif. The valley is best known for its agriculture. However, might be surprised that exciting technology is blooming right in our backyard.
Paul Seow and Jet Vong are two Fresno State alumni, who have made it their mission to bring the intricate world of VR to Fresno. They decided to open up a VR arcade called, Imm3se.in.
“One of the things we want to focus on is virtual reality for education,” Seow says. “We really feel if we can create a VR classroom, where a teacher can easily customize the experience for their students, I think that would be a killer app.”
Vong says that the first year of their VR arcade was directed toward entertainment. But, they have broadened ideas for the future.
“Our involvement with schools as of right now is more on an entertainment level,” Vong says. “But, year two we have a goal of curating curricula and educational apps for schools and libraries.”