“Affinity Rooms” for Students at Fresno State
Fresno State’s Cross Cultural and Gender Center, located in the Thomas Building, offers “Affinity Rooms” for students looking for an inclusive space.
Each room has a different theme based on the group it corresponds with. Gender Equity, La Casita, Harambe, American Indian, Asian Pacific Islander, and the Pride Room are all available for any students to lounge or study during business hours.
The Cross Cultural and Gender Center has made it a mission to create a welcoming atmosphere on campus with activism, intersectionality, and human rights at its forefront.
“It’s where you meet people that you’ve probably never seen of your race or your religion,” said student Kamani Ward. “You can relate to them.”
However, many students don’t know about these rooms or the numerous resources offered by the CCGC.
“A lot of the time, the biggest problem we have of people not knowing what resources we provide is that we’re even a resource for them,” said Ben Nehring, LGBTQ+ Programs and Services student coordinator.
The CCGC holds support and discussion groups as well as club meetings in the Thomas Building. They also put on numerous cultural events throughout the year.
For more information about Fresno State’s Cross Cultural and Gender Center, visit their website or their Facebook page
If you’re interested in the programs, services or volunteer opportunities at the CCGC visit fresnostate.edu/studentaffairs/ccgc/programs/