Animal Rescue of Fresno travel to help dogs find a home
The Animal Rescue of Fresno is a no-kill shelter for dogs to find a forever home. They are dedicated to making it happen even if it means these pets have to travel away from Fresno.
“We go rescue the dogs. We get them all ready. We get them spayed and neutered and make sure they have their shots,” said Linda Guthrie, president of Animal Rescue of Fresno. “Everything is needed for them to be able to go to another state is done. Then we load them up and they get to go.”
Dogs of all sizes travel to Oregon or as far away as Michigan. Guthrie said that the shelter started about 13 years ago and has been taking dogs to other states for eight years. They are able to do so by traveling in a car or by plane.
“There’s so many stray dogs in the valley. There’s only so many people who can have dogs,” said Nicolas Renner, a volunteer. “So when there’s no more room here and no more families, there’s probably families in other states.”
Animal Rescue of Fresno takes in strays or dogs that are about to be euthanized. They help with any medical needs including shots, and they spay or neuter the dogs before adoption.
The shelter is heavily dependent on volunteers to make the facility run. They are the ones who go out of their way to make sure everything is running smoothly.
“I’m glad at least we can capture and take care of and get these dogs ready to go to other states, who do have very strict spay and neuter laws so they’re kinda short especially on puppies,” Debra Lawson said. “So that makes me very happy we can do this every month.”
Once in a shelter in a new state, these dogs get adopted in as little as a week.