Repairs to Millbrook Church to be completed soon
By: Joanne Voss
The sanctuary of Millbrook Presbyterian Church was ruined after advent candles were not blown out; but now, months later, the members have found a silver lining.
The fire was only about two feet around, so the structure of the building is fine, but the soot and smoke ruined everything in the building, from furniture to electronics to instruments.
The damage is all covered by insurance, so the church members are feeling blessed and making the best out of a bad situation.
“The only thing that we have right now is $156,000 to replace the carpet, clean the whole place, refinish the pews, put new upholstery on, repaint the whole thing, put new heating and air conditioning upstairs,” said Larry Jensen, maintenance manager at Millbrook Church.
With the way the fire burned and where it happened, these church members say it’s a miracle that the sanctuary is standing at all.
“It was like Jesus put his arms around the wreath,” Jensen said.
Sunday services are being held in the fellowship hall on the church campus, but the sanctuary is set to be completed and usable again by the end of April.
After the repairs are done, church leaders will begin looking for a new pastor. The Rev. Jerry Voss retired right before the fire.