Social Media Bubble
Social media is one of many forms of communication. During quarantine, people use these platforms to stay connected to family, and friends. Communities and organizations use these platforms to get important information out into the world.
But the nature of social media means the user gets to pick and choose what they want to see on their feed, friends they want to follow, and groups they wish to be a part of.
“We can customize in a way that we prefer but when we do that and we have that power to shut out other viewpoints that is when we start to lose that diversity of thought and people can start to feel disconnected and start to see the lack of empathy for other viewpoints,” said Jessica Piffero, a social media specialist at Fresno State.

Piffero says that this is not a bad thing but there might be missed information because the user tailors their bubble to fit their personal viewpoint.

Social media platforms continue to change. With more access to information then ever before that diversity of information can help to feel more connected to what is going on out in world. In a time of separation during COVID, social media can bring a sense of togetherness during a time of separation.