Fresno Teachers vs Fresno School District
On May 24th the Fresno Teachers Association took to the streets of Downtown Fresno to protest the state of their negotiations with Fresno Unified School District. The protest went from 5-7 p.m. and featured several speeches from F.T.A members and teachers.
Teachers like Patricia Renfro. “We’re really frustrated that we’re the only half of this bargaining team, Fresno Unified continues to not bring anything, any ideas to the table at all. They (F.U.S.D) continue to be unprepared for meetings and teachers are just frustrated there are the highest of expectations for us and the lowest of expectations it feels like for them,” Renfro said.
As the protest went on the school district had their own meeting featuring Superintendent Bob Nelson, who is at the forefront of the negotiations, ”Obviously there are folks outside, we want to encourage that, it’s important that people’s voices be heard…We move back to a more traditional model in which both parties can give public disclosure on where their positions on and we can publicize those ongoing efforts as we continue to go to the table and we’ll commit to going to the table every week from now until a resolution is signed,” Nelson said.
Negotiations are ongoing but in the school district’s meeting Nelson said that they will continue to deliberate every meeting from now on until they come to an agreement.