“I Exist Both Here and There” exhibit addresses concerns with the Catholic Church
Jose Soria, a graduate art student, is being featured in the Phebe Conley Art Gallery through February. He says art represents him and who he is.
Soria’s art consists of sexuality, the Catholic Church and the Hispanic culture he is from. He also includes the artwork of friends and family who surround him.

“I have one that is my “Saint Sebastian” of my boyfriend Philip and that one holds a special place in my heart because the whole show is about sexuality and kind of coming into terms with that and creating a gentle loving environment and combats the negative connotation of the church,” he said.
The Catholic Church is known for denying same-sex relationships or marriage.
Idaly Hernandez, one of Soria’s friends, relates to his work revolving around the Catholic Church.
“It has a lot to do with the Catholic Church and growing up with the Catholic Church and the family aspect of that,” Hernandez said. “I’ve had similar feelings. His show reflects that. This room reflects that.”
The room is filled with Catholic symbols including crosses, Virgin Marys and even the holy Communion. Soria added a confession booth for visitors to write down their confessions. Soria plans to burn the confessions to release the feelings that are written on the papers. He also included a wall of 20 crosses to represent children sexually assaulted by clergymen and priests.
According to The National Catholic Reporter, 47% of Catholics who have left the Church say they did so because of things such as racism, misogyny, political syncretism, clergy scandal, and clergy abuse.

You can see Soria’s exhibit, “I exist both here and there,” at Broadway Studios in downtown Fresno at Art Hop every first Thursday of the month starting at 5 p.m.