Fresno State supports transitioning students despite challanges
If you are ever looking for resources or support outside of Fresno State, and you want to get some extra advice about transitioning stop by the EOC.
Jess Fitzpatrick, a community outreach educator at the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) has faced many challenges going through the process of transitioning.
“I went to my first support group and I realized that I was trans, and then for two years I freaked out about it. I was terrified about coming out to my family,” Fitzpatrick said.
According to the William Institute of Law, a survey of over 27,000 trans adults, found that 24% of respondents who were out as trans in college reported being verbally, physically, or sexually harassed at that time.

Fitzpatrick was recognized in 2020 as a Rise Up Leader for completing the Advocacy and Leadership Accelerator certificate for his dedication to the transgender community.
Students at Fresno State and beyond face challenges navigating transitions that can greatly impact their future.
In some instances, students are left unable to be themselves because other people do not understand where they are coming from, which is what Fresno State social work student Sahasawaddy Somsacky, who identifies as a demi-femme, worries about.
“I’m the only person opening out and expressive about my identity, and it’s alienating because I don’t have any peers that I can relate to,” Somsacky said.

Fitzpatrick says on a social level transitions can create conversations about identity and acceptance, helping to promote inclusivity and understanding.
“Overall, as a transman, he understands the community more than other folks who are not part of the community so he knows what those needs are. People feel comfortable speaking to him and he works hard to make this a space where those folks can feel safe,” said Valeria Rodriguez, EOC community engagement coordinator.

By understanding the challenges students who are transitioning face while in college, we can better support them by providing the right resources so they can turn their challenges into success.
For more information about resources for students, go to transitioning resources.