Art Hop

  • Transforming Fears Into Art

    by - Mar 14, 2023

    While most kids grow up sheltered from the idea of death, Fresno State grad student Angle Lesnikowski spent her childhood surrounded by it.

    Lesnikowski recalls growing up encompassed by her parents’ fears and phobias...

  • Fresno’s Art Hop is back

    by - Dec 20, 2021

    After a long hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, Fresno’s Art Hop is back and ready to keep serving art and entertainment to the central valley.

    Art Hop takes place on the first and third Thursday of every...

  • Art Hop is Back

    by - Dec 1, 2021

    Art Hop is back this month with more artists, vendors and food.

    People walked up and down Fulton Street in downtown Fresno Thursday to enjoy this month’s first Art Hop night.
    From spray paint artists...


    by - Apr 11, 2019

    From very young age, Alexandra “Aly” Harrell has had a growing passion for creating art. She, originally started painting to cover the walls of her bedroom. 

    Harrell has always been very private about her artwork. She only...

  • Art Hop

    by - Dec 6, 2018

    Hidden all around downtown Fresno ,in the nooks and crannies, are galleries and art collectives that play a significant role in defining Fresno’s culture.

    Starting back in the 80s, local artists such as Robert Ogata blazed the...